
有兩種不同的方式可以調用 Meson。首先,您可以使用命令 /path/to/source/meson.py 從原始碼樹中直接執行它。Meson 也可能已安裝,在這種情況下,命令很簡單,就是 meson。在本手冊中,為了簡潔起見,我們只使用後者格式。

Meson 的調用語法如下:meson [COMMAND] [COMMAND_OPTIONS]

本節描述所有可用的命令及其一些可選參數。最常見的工作流程是執行 setup,然後執行 compile,最後執行 install

如需取得特定命令的所有可用選項的完整清單,請使用以下語法:meson COMMAND --help


$ meson configure [-h] [--prefix PREFIX] [--bindir BINDIR]
                  [--datadir DATADIR] [--includedir INCLUDEDIR]
                  [--infodir INFODIR] [--libdir LIBDIR]
                  [--licensedir LICENSEDIR] [--libexecdir LIBEXECDIR]
                  [--localedir LOCALEDIR] [--localstatedir LOCALSTATEDIR]
                  [--mandir MANDIR] [--sbindir SBINDIR]
                  [--sharedstatedir SHAREDSTATEDIR]
                  [--sysconfdir SYSCONFDIR]
                  [--auto-features {enabled,disabled,auto}]
                  [--backend {ninja,vs,vs2010,vs2012,vs2013,vs2015,vs2017,vs2019,vs2022,xcode,none}]
                  [--genvslite {vs2022}]
                  [--buildtype {plain,debug,debugoptimized,release,minsize,custom}]
                  [--debug] [--default-library {shared,static,both}]
                  [--default-both-libraries {shared,static,auto}]
                  [--errorlogs] [--install-umask INSTALL_UMASK]
                  [--layout {mirror,flat}]
                  [--optimization {plain,0,g,1,2,3,s}] [--prefer-static]
                  [--stdsplit] [--strip] [--unity {on,off,subprojects}]
                  [--unity-size UNITY_SIZE]
                  [--warnlevel {0,1,2,3,everything}] [--werror]
                  [--wrap-mode {default,nofallback,nodownload,forcefallback,nopromote}]
                  [--force-fallback-for FORCE_FALLBACK_FOR] [--vsenv]
                  [--python.bytecompile PYTHON.BYTECOMPILE]
                  [--python.install-env {auto,prefix,system,venv}]
                  [--python.platlibdir PYTHON.PLATLIBDIR]
                  [--python.purelibdir PYTHON.PURELIBDIR]
                  [--pkg-config-path PKG_CONFIG_PATH]
                  [--build.pkg-config-path BUILD.PKG_CONFIG_PATH]
                  [--cmake-prefix-path CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH]
                  [--build.cmake-prefix-path BUILD.CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH]
                  [-D option] [--clearcache] [--no-pager]

變更已設定的 meson 專案的選項。

positional arguments:

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  --prefix PREFIX                       Installation prefix.
  --bindir BINDIR                       Executable directory.
  --datadir DATADIR                     Data file directory.
  --includedir INCLUDEDIR               Header file directory.
  --infodir INFODIR                     Info page directory.
  --libdir LIBDIR                       Library directory.
  --licensedir LICENSEDIR               Licenses directory (default: ).
  --libexecdir LIBEXECDIR               Library executable directory.
  --localedir LOCALEDIR                 Locale data directory.
  --localstatedir LOCALSTATEDIR         Localstate data directory.
  --mandir MANDIR                       Manual page directory.
  --sbindir SBINDIR                     System executable directory.
  --sharedstatedir SHAREDSTATEDIR       Architecture-independent data directory.
  --sysconfdir SYSCONFDIR               Sysconf data directory.
  --auto-features {enabled,disabled,auto}
                                        Override value of all 'auto' features
                                        (default: auto).
  --backend {ninja,vs,vs2010,vs2012,vs2013,vs2015,vs2017,vs2019,vs2022,xcode,none}
                                        Backend to use (default: ninja).
  --genvslite {vs2022}                  Setup multiple buildtype-suffixed ninja-
                                        backend build directories, and a
                                        [builddir]_vs containing a Visual Studio
                                        meta-backend with multiple
                                        configurations that calls into them
                                        (default: vs2022).
  --buildtype {plain,debug,debugoptimized,release,minsize,custom}
                                        Build type to use (default: debug).
  --debug                               Enable debug symbols and other
  --default-library {shared,static,both}
                                        Default library type (default: shared).
  --default-both-libraries {shared,static,auto}
                                        Default library type for both_libraries
                                        (default: shared).
  --errorlogs                           Whether to print the logs from failing
  --install-umask INSTALL_UMASK         Default umask to apply on permissions of
                                        installed files (default: 022).
  --layout {mirror,flat}                Build directory layout (default:
  --optimization {plain,0,g,1,2,3,s}    Optimization level (default: 0).
  --prefer-static                       Whether to try static linking before
                                        shared linking
  --stdsplit                            Split stdout and stderr in test logs
  --strip                               Strip targets on install
  --unity {on,off,subprojects}          Unity build (default: off).
  --unity-size UNITY_SIZE               Unity block size (default: (2, None,
  --warnlevel {0,1,2,3,everything}      Compiler warning level to use (default:
  --werror                              Treat warnings as errors
  --wrap-mode {default,nofallback,nodownload,forcefallback,nopromote}
                                        Wrap mode (default: default).
  --force-fallback-for FORCE_FALLBACK_FOR
                                        Force fallback for those subprojects
                                        (default: []).
  --vsenv                               Activate Visual Studio environment
  --pkgconfig.relocatable               Generate pkgconfig files as relocatable
  --python.bytecompile PYTHON.BYTECOMPILE
                                        Whether to compile bytecode (default:
                                        (-1, 2, 0)).
  --python.install-env {auto,prefix,system,venv}
                                        Which python environment to install to
                                        (default: prefix).
  --python.platlibdir PYTHON.PLATLIBDIR
                                        Directory for site-specific, platform-
                                        specific files (default: ).
  --python.purelibdir PYTHON.PURELIBDIR
                                        Directory for site-specific, non-
                                        platform-specific files (default: ).
  --python.allow-limited-api            Whether to allow use of the Python
                                        Limited API
  --pkg-config-path PKG_CONFIG_PATH     List of additional paths for pkg-config
                                        to search (default: []). (just for host
  --build.pkg-config-path BUILD.PKG_CONFIG_PATH
                                        List of additional paths for pkg-config
                                        to search (default: []). (just for build
  --cmake-prefix-path CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
                                        List of additional prefixes for cmake to
                                        search (default: []). (just for host
  --build.cmake-prefix-path BUILD.CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
                                        List of additional prefixes for cmake to
                                        search (default: []). (just for build
  -D option                             Set the value of an option, can be used
                                        several times to set multiple options.
  --clearcache                          Clear cached state (e.g. found
  --no-pager                            Do not redirect output to a pager

大多數引數與 setup 中的引數相同。

注意:重新設定專案不會將選項重設為其預設值(即使它們在 meson.build 中已變更)。



meson configure builddir


meson configure builddir -Doption=new_value


(自 0.54.0 起)

$ meson compile [-h] [--clean] [-C WD] [-j JOBS] [-l LOAD_AVERAGE] [-v]
                [--ninja-args NINJA_ARGS] [--vs-args VS_ARGS]
                [--xcode-args XCODE_ARGS]
                [TARGET ...]

建構已設定的 Meson 專案的預設或指定目標。

positional arguments:
  TARGET                                Targets to build. Target has the
                                        following format: [PATH_TO_TARGET/]TARGE

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  --clean                               Clean the build directory.
  -C WD                                 directory to cd into before running
  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS                  The number of worker jobs to run (if
                                        supported). If the value is less than 1
                                        the build program will guess.
  -l LOAD_AVERAGE, --load-average LOAD_AVERAGE
                                        The system load average to try to
                                        maintain (if supported).
  -v, --verbose                         Show more verbose output.
  --ninja-args NINJA_ARGS               Arguments to pass to `ninja` (applied
                                        only on `ninja` backend).
  --vs-args VS_ARGS                     Arguments to pass to `msbuild` (applied
                                        only on `vs` backend).
  --xcode-args XCODE_ARGS               Arguments to pass to `xcodebuild`
                                        (applied only on `xcode` backend).

--verbose 引數自 0.55.0 起可用。


(自 0.55.0 起)


  • NAMEmeson.build 中目標的名稱(例如,executable('foo', ...) 中的 foo)。
  • SUFFIXmeson.build 中目標的後綴名稱(例如,executable('foo', suffix: 'exe', ...) 中的 exe)。
  • PATH:目標相對於根 meson.build 檔案的路徑。注意:在根 meson.build 中指定的目標的相對路徑為 ./
  • TYPE:目標的類型。可以是下列其中之一:'executable'、'static_library'、'shared_library'、'shared_module'、'custom'、'alias'、'run'、'jar'。

如果產生的 TARGET 可用於唯一識別 meson.build 中的目標,則可以省略 PATHSUFFIXTYPE

請注意,SUFFIX 在 1.3.0 之前不存在。


(自 0.55.0 起)

BACKEND-args 使用以下語法


$ meson compile --ninja-args=-n,-d,explain

會將 -n-dexplain 引數新增至 ninja 調用。

如果您需要在字串值中使用逗號或空格,則需要使用適當的 shell 引號傳遞該值,如下所示

$ meson compile "--ninja-args=['a,b', 'c d']"



meson compile -C builddir

在 ninja 後端執行試執行,並包含額外的除錯資訊

meson compile --ninja-args=-n,-d,explain

建構三個目標:兩個名稱相同為 foo 但類型不同的目標,以及一個 bar 目標

meson compile foo:shared_library foo:static_library bar

產生覆蓋率 HTML 報告(如果可用)

ninja coverage-html


(自 0.52.0 起)

$ meson dist [-h] [-C WD] [--allow-dirty] [--formats FORMATS]
             [--include-subprojects] [--no-tests]


  -h, --help             show this help message and exit
  -C WD                  directory to cd into before running
  --allow-dirty          Allow even when repository contains uncommitted
  --formats FORMATS      Comma separated list of archive types to create.
                         Supports xztar (default), bztar, gztar, and zip.
  --include-subprojects  Include source code of subprojects that have been used
                         for the build.
  --no-tests             Do not build and test generated packages.




meson dist -C builddir


(自 0.45.0 起)

$ meson init [-h] [-C WD] [-n NAME] [-e EXECUTABLE] [-d DEPS]
             [-l {c,cpp,cs,cuda,d,fortran,java,objc,objcpp,rust,vala}] [-b]
             [--builddir BUILDDIR] [-f] [--type {executable,library}]
             [--version VERSION]
             [sourcefile ...]


positional arguments:
  sourcefile                            source files. default: all recognized
                                        files in current directory

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  -C WD                                 directory to cd into before running
  -n NAME, --name NAME                  project name. default: name of current
  -e EXECUTABLE, --executable EXECUTABLE
                                        executable name. default: project name
  -d DEPS, --deps DEPS                  dependencies, comma-separated
  -l {c,cpp,cs,cuda,d,fortran,java,objc,objcpp,rust,vala}, --language {c,cpp,cs,cuda,d,fortran,java,objc,objcpp,rust,vala}
                                        project language. default: autodetected
                                        based on source files
  -b, --build                           build after generation
  --builddir BUILDDIR                   directory for build
  -f, --force                           force overwrite of existing files and
  --type {executable,library}           project type. default: executable based
  --version VERSION                     project version. default: 0.1


sourcedir 中建立專案

meson init -C sourcedir



{自 0.62.0 起}

$ meson env2mfile [-h] [--debarch DEBARCH] [--gccsuffix GCCSUFFIX] -o
                  OUTFILE [--cross] [--native] [--system SYSTEM]
                  [--subsystem SUBSYSTEM] [--kernel KERNEL] [--cpu CPU]
                  [--cpu-family CPU_FAMILY] [--endian {big,little}]

從目前的環境建立原生和交叉編譯檔案,通常是透過嗅探環境變數,例如 CCCFLAGS

  -h, --help               show this help message and exit
  --debarch DEBARCH        The dpkg architecture to generate.
  --gccsuffix GCCSUFFIX    A particular gcc version suffix if necessary.
  -o OUTFILE               The output file.
  --cross                  Generate a cross compilation file.
  --native                 Generate a native compilation file.
  --system SYSTEM          Define system for cross compilation.
  --subsystem SUBSYSTEM    Define subsystem for cross compilation.
  --kernel KERNEL          Define kernel for cross compilation.
  --cpu CPU                Define cpu for cross compilation.
  --cpu-family CPU_FAMILY  Define cpu family for cross compilation.
  --endian {big,little}    Define endianness for cross compilation.



meson env2mfile --cross -o current_cross.txt --cpu=arm7a --cpu-family=arm --system=linux

使用 Debian 系統資訊產生交叉建構

meson env2mfile --cross --debarch=armhf -o deb_arm_cross.txt


$ meson introspect [-h] [--ast] [--benchmarks] [--buildoptions]
                   [--buildsystem-files] [--compilers] [--dependencies]
                   [--scan-dependencies] [--installed] [--install-plan]
                   [--machines] [--projectinfo] [--targets] [--tests]
                   [--backend {ninja,none,vs,vs2010,vs2012,vs2013,vs2015,vs2017,vs2019,vs2022,xcode}]
                   [-a] [-i] [-f]

顯示有關已設定的 Meson 專案的資訊。

positional arguments:
  builddir                              The build directory

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  --ast                                 Dump the AST of the meson file.
  --benchmarks                          List all benchmarks.
  --buildoptions                        List all build options.
  --buildsystem-files                   List files that make up the build
  --compilers                           List used compilers.
  --dependencies                        List external dependencies.
  --scan-dependencies                   Scan for dependencies used in the
                                        meson.build file.
  --installed                           List all installed files and
  --install-plan                        List all installed files and directories
                                        with their details.
  --machines                            Information about host, build, and
                                        target machines.
  --projectinfo                         Information about projects.
  --targets                             List top level targets.
  --tests                               List all unit tests.
  --backend {ninja,none,vs,vs2010,vs2012,vs2013,vs2015,vs2017,vs2019,vs2022,xcode}
                                        The backend to use for the
                                        --buildoptions introspection.
  -a, --all                             Print all available information.
  -i, --indent                          Enable pretty printed JSON.
  -f, --force-object-output             Always use the new JSON format for
                                        multiple entries (even for 0 and 1
                                        introspection commands)


顯示關於 builddir 中已設定專案的基本資訊

meson introspect builddir --projectinfo


(自 0.47.0 起)

$ meson install [-h] [-C WD] [--no-rebuild] [--only-changed] [--quiet]
                [--destdir DESTDIR] [--dry-run]
                [--skip-subprojects [SKIP_SUBPROJECTS]] [--tags TAGS]

將專案安裝至 setup 中指定的前置詞。

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  -C WD                                 directory to cd into before running
  --no-rebuild                          Do not rebuild before installing.
  --only-changed                        Only overwrite files that are older than
                                        the copied file.
  --quiet                               Do not print every file that was
  --destdir DESTDIR                     Sets or overrides DESTDIR environment.
                                        (Since 0.57.0)
  --dry-run, -n                         Doesn't actually install, but print
                                        logs. (Since 0.57.0)
  --skip-subprojects [SKIP_SUBPROJECTS]
                                        Do not install files from given
                                        subprojects. (Since 0.58.0)
  --tags TAGS                           Install only targets having one of the
                                        given tags. (Since 0.60.0)
  --strip                               Strip targets even if strip option was
                                        not set during configure. (Since 0.62.0)



將專案安裝至 prefix

meson install -C builddir

將專案安裝至 $DESTDIR/prefix

DESTDIR=/path/to/staging/area meson install -C builddir

0.60.0 起,DESTDIR--destdir 可以是相對於建構目錄的路徑。執行指令碼時,將會在環境中設定絕對路徑。


(自 1.6.0 起)

$ meson reprotest [-h] [--intermediaries] [mesonargs ...]



positional arguments:
  mesonargs         Arguments to pass to "meson setup".

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --intermediaries  Check intermediate files.


meson reprotest


meson reprotest --intermediaries -- --buildtype=debugoptimized

建構目標,並檢查所有中繼檔案(例如物件檔案)是否也相同。-- 之後的所有命令列引數都會直接傳遞至底層的 meson 調用。只使用選項引數,也就是以破折號開頭的引數,Meson 會自動設定目錄引數。


(自 0.50.0 起)

$ meson rewrite [-h] [-s SRCDIR] [-V] [-S]
                {target,tgt,kwargs,default-options,def,command,cmd} ...

修改 Meson 專案。

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  -s SRCDIR, --sourcedir SRCDIR         Path to source directory.
  -V, --verbose                         Enable verbose output
  -S, --skip-errors                     Skip errors instead of aborting

Rewriter commands:
  Rewrite command to execute

    target (tgt)                        Modify a target
    kwargs                              Modify keyword arguments
    default-options (def)               Modify the project default options
    command (cmd)                       Execute a JSON array of commands

如需更多資訊,請參閱Meson 檔案重寫器文件


$ meson setup [-h] [--prefix PREFIX] [--bindir BINDIR] [--datadir DATADIR]
              [--includedir INCLUDEDIR] [--infodir INFODIR]
              [--libdir LIBDIR] [--licensedir LICENSEDIR]
              [--libexecdir LIBEXECDIR] [--localedir LOCALEDIR]
              [--localstatedir LOCALSTATEDIR] [--mandir MANDIR]
              [--sbindir SBINDIR] [--sharedstatedir SHAREDSTATEDIR]
              [--sysconfdir SYSCONFDIR]
              [--auto-features {enabled,disabled,auto}]
              [--backend {ninja,vs,vs2010,vs2012,vs2013,vs2015,vs2017,vs2019,vs2022,xcode,none}]
              [--genvslite {vs2022}]
              [--buildtype {plain,debug,debugoptimized,release,minsize,custom}]
              [--debug] [--default-library {shared,static,both}]
              [--default-both-libraries {shared,static,auto}] [--errorlogs]
              [--install-umask INSTALL_UMASK] [--layout {mirror,flat}]
              [--optimization {plain,0,g,1,2,3,s}] [--prefer-static]
              [--stdsplit] [--strip] [--unity {on,off,subprojects}]
              [--unity-size UNITY_SIZE] [--warnlevel {0,1,2,3,everything}]
              [--wrap-mode {default,nofallback,nodownload,forcefallback,nopromote}]
              [--force-fallback-for FORCE_FALLBACK_FOR] [--vsenv]
              [--python.bytecompile PYTHON.BYTECOMPILE]
              [--python.install-env {auto,prefix,system,venv}]
              [--python.platlibdir PYTHON.PLATLIBDIR]
              [--python.purelibdir PYTHON.PURELIBDIR]
              [--pkg-config-path PKG_CONFIG_PATH]
              [--build.pkg-config-path BUILD.PKG_CONFIG_PATH]
              [--cmake-prefix-path CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH]
              [--build.cmake-prefix-path BUILD.CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH]
              [-D option] [--native-file NATIVE_FILE]
              [--cross-file CROSS_FILE] [-v] [--fatal-meson-warnings]
              [--reconfigure] [--wipe] [--clearcache]
              [builddir] [sourcedir]

為 Meson 專案設定建構目錄。

自 0.64.0 起已棄用:這是預設的 Meson 命令(如果未提供 COMMAND,則會調用)。但是,提供命令是必要的,以避免與未來新增的命令發生衝突,因此應該明確使用 "setup"。

自 1.1.0 起,即使建構目錄不存在,也允許使用 --reconfigure,在這種情況下會忽略該引數。

自 1.3.0 起,如果建構目錄已存在,則會使用命令列中給定的新值 (-Dopt=value) 更新選項。除非也指定了 --reconfigure,否則這不會立即重新設定。這具有與 meson configure <builddir> -Dopt=value 相同的行為。

自 1.3.0 起,可以使用單一命令 meson setup --clearcache --reconfigure <builddir> 清除快取並重新設定。

positional arguments:

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  --prefix PREFIX                       Installation prefix.
  --bindir BINDIR                       Executable directory.
  --datadir DATADIR                     Data file directory.
  --includedir INCLUDEDIR               Header file directory.
  --infodir INFODIR                     Info page directory.
  --libdir LIBDIR                       Library directory.
  --licensedir LICENSEDIR               Licenses directory (default: ).
  --libexecdir LIBEXECDIR               Library executable directory.
  --localedir LOCALEDIR                 Locale data directory.
  --localstatedir LOCALSTATEDIR         Localstate data directory.
  --mandir MANDIR                       Manual page directory.
  --sbindir SBINDIR                     System executable directory.
  --sharedstatedir SHAREDSTATEDIR       Architecture-independent data directory.
  --sysconfdir SYSCONFDIR               Sysconf data directory.
  --auto-features {enabled,disabled,auto}
                                        Override value of all 'auto' features
                                        (default: auto).
  --backend {ninja,vs,vs2010,vs2012,vs2013,vs2015,vs2017,vs2019,vs2022,xcode,none}
                                        Backend to use (default: ninja).
  --genvslite {vs2022}                  Setup multiple buildtype-suffixed ninja-
                                        backend build directories, and a
                                        [builddir]_vs containing a Visual Studio
                                        meta-backend with multiple
                                        configurations that calls into them
                                        (default: vs2022).
  --buildtype {plain,debug,debugoptimized,release,minsize,custom}
                                        Build type to use (default: debug).
  --debug                               Enable debug symbols and other
  --default-library {shared,static,both}
                                        Default library type (default: shared).
  --default-both-libraries {shared,static,auto}
                                        Default library type for both_libraries
                                        (default: shared).
  --errorlogs                           Whether to print the logs from failing
  --install-umask INSTALL_UMASK         Default umask to apply on permissions of
                                        installed files (default: 022).
  --layout {mirror,flat}                Build directory layout (default:
  --optimization {plain,0,g,1,2,3,s}    Optimization level (default: 0).
  --prefer-static                       Whether to try static linking before
                                        shared linking
  --stdsplit                            Split stdout and stderr in test logs
  --strip                               Strip targets on install
  --unity {on,off,subprojects}          Unity build (default: off).
  --unity-size UNITY_SIZE               Unity block size (default: (2, None,
  --warnlevel {0,1,2,3,everything}      Compiler warning level to use (default:
  --werror                              Treat warnings as errors
  --wrap-mode {default,nofallback,nodownload,forcefallback,nopromote}
                                        Wrap mode (default: default).
  --force-fallback-for FORCE_FALLBACK_FOR
                                        Force fallback for those subprojects
                                        (default: []).
  --vsenv                               Activate Visual Studio environment
  --pkgconfig.relocatable               Generate pkgconfig files as relocatable
  --python.bytecompile PYTHON.BYTECOMPILE
                                        Whether to compile bytecode (default:
                                        (-1, 2, 0)).
  --python.install-env {auto,prefix,system,venv}
                                        Which python environment to install to
                                        (default: prefix).
  --python.platlibdir PYTHON.PLATLIBDIR
                                        Directory for site-specific, platform-
                                        specific files (default: ).
  --python.purelibdir PYTHON.PURELIBDIR
                                        Directory for site-specific, non-
                                        platform-specific files (default: ).
  --python.allow-limited-api            Whether to allow use of the Python
                                        Limited API
  --pkg-config-path PKG_CONFIG_PATH     List of additional paths for pkg-config
                                        to search (default: []). (just for host
  --build.pkg-config-path BUILD.PKG_CONFIG_PATH
                                        List of additional paths for pkg-config
                                        to search (default: []). (just for build
  --cmake-prefix-path CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
                                        List of additional prefixes for cmake to
                                        search (default: []). (just for host
  --build.cmake-prefix-path BUILD.CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
                                        List of additional prefixes for cmake to
                                        search (default: []). (just for build
  -D option                             Set the value of an option, can be used
                                        several times to set multiple options.
  --native-file NATIVE_FILE             File containing overrides for native
                                        compilation environment.
  --cross-file CROSS_FILE               File describing cross compilation
  -v, --version                         show program's version number and exit
  --fatal-meson-warnings                Make all Meson warnings fatal
  --reconfigure                         Set options and reconfigure the project.
                                        Useful when new options have been added
                                        to the project and the default value is
                                        not working.
  --wipe                                Wipe build directory and reconfigure
                                        using previous command line options.
                                        Useful when build directory got
                                        corrupted, or when rebuilding with a
                                        newer version of meson.
  --clearcache                          Clear cached state (e.g. found
                                        dependencies). Since 1.3.0.

如需更多資訊,請參閱Meson 簡介頁面


使用預設值設定 builddir

meson setup builddir


(自 0.49.0 起)

$ meson subprojects [-h]

管理 Meson 專案的子專案。自 0.59.0 起,預設會並行在多個子專案上執行命令,如果不希望如此,請使用 --num-processes=1

0.64.0 起,update 子命令將不再從 WrapDB 下載新的 wrap 檔案。請改用 meson wrap update 命令。

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit

    update                              Update all subprojects from wrap files
    checkout                            Checkout a branch (git only)
    download                            Ensure subprojects are fetched, even if
                                        not in use. Already downloaded
                                        subprojects are not modified. This can
                                        be used to pre-fetch all subprojects and
                                        avoid downloads during configure.
    foreach                             Execute a command in each subproject
    purge                               Remove all wrap-based subproject
    packagefiles                        Manage the packagefiles overlay


$ meson test [-h] [--maxfail MAXFAIL] [--repeat REPEAT] [--no-rebuild]
             [--gdb] [--gdb-path GDB_PATH] [-i] [--list]
             [--wrapper WRAPPER] [-C WD] [--suite SUITE] [--no-suite SUITE]
             [--no-stdsplit] [--print-errorlogs] [--benchmark]
             [--logbase LOGBASE] [-j NUM_PROCESSES] [-v] [-q]
             [-t TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER] [--setup SETUP]
             [--test-args TEST_ARGS] [--max-lines MAX_LINES]
             [args ...]

執行已設定的 Meson 專案的測試。

positional arguments:
  args                                  Optional list of test names to run.
                                        "testname" to run all tests with that
                                        name, "subprojname:testname" to
                                        specifically run "testname" from
                                        "subprojname", "subprojname:" to run all
                                        tests defined by "subprojname".

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  --maxfail MAXFAIL                     Number of failing tests before aborting
                                        the test run. (default: 0, to disable
                                        aborting on failure)
  --repeat REPEAT                       Number of times to run the tests.
  --no-rebuild                          Do not rebuild before running tests.
  --gdb                                 Run test under gdb.
  --gdb-path GDB_PATH                   Path to the gdb binary (default: gdb).
  -i, --interactive                     Run tests with interactive input/output.
  --list                                List available tests.
  --wrapper WRAPPER                     wrapper to run tests with (e.g.
  -C WD                                 directory to cd into before running
  --suite SUITE                         Only run tests belonging to the given
  --no-suite SUITE                      Do not run tests belonging to the given
  --no-stdsplit                         Do not split stderr and stdout in test
  --print-errorlogs                     Whether to print failing tests' logs.
  --benchmark                           Run benchmarks instead of tests.
  --logbase LOGBASE                     Base name for log file.
  -j NUM_PROCESSES, --num-processes NUM_PROCESSES
                                        How many parallel processes to use.
  -v, --verbose                         Do not redirect stdout and stderr
  -q, --quiet                           Produce less output to the terminal.
                                        Define a multiplier for test timeout,
                                        for example when running tests in
                                        particular conditions they might take
                                        more time to execute. (<= 0 to disable
  --setup SETUP                         Which test setup to use.
  --test-args TEST_ARGS                 Arguments to pass to the specified
                                        test(s) or all tests
  --max-lines MAX_LINES                 Maximum number of lines to show from a
                                        long test log. Since 1.5.0.


1.2.0 起,您可以在測試名稱的 args 中使用萬用字元。例如,"bas*" 將符合所有名稱以 "bas" 開頭的測試。

1.2.0 起,如果提供的測試名稱或萬用字元不符合任何測試,則會發生錯誤。



meson test -C builddir

僅執行 specific_test_1specific_test_2

meson test -C builddir specific_test_1 specific_test_2


$ meson wrap [-h]
             {list,search,install,update,info,status,promote,update-db} ...

用於管理 WrapDB 相依性的公用程式。

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit

    list                                show all available projects
    search                              search the db by name
    install                             install the specified project
    update                              Update wrap files from WrapDB (Since
    info                                show available versions of a project
    status                              show installed and available versions of
                                        your projects
    promote                             bring a subsubproject up to the master
    update-db                           Update list of projects available in
                                        WrapDB (Since 0.61.0)

如需更多資訊,請參閱WrapDB 工具文件


(自 0.58.0 起)

$ meson devenv [-h] [-C BUILDDIR] [--workdir WORKDIR] [--dump [DUMP]]
               [--dump-format {sh,export,vscode}]

執行命令,如果未提供命令,則開啟互動式 shell,並設定環境以從建構目錄執行專案,而無需安裝。

我們會自動處理 bash 並據此設定 $PS1。如果不希望自動覆寫 $PS1(可能您有精美的自訂提示),請設定 $MESON_DISABLE_PS1_OVERRIDE 環境變數,並在設定自訂提示時使用 $MESON_PROJECT_NAME,例如使用如下程式碼片段

if [[ -n "${MESON_PROJECT_NAME-}" ]];


  • MESON_DEVENV 定義為 '1'
  • MESON_PROJECT_NAME 定義為主要專案的名稱。
  • PKG_CONFIG_PATH 包括 Meson 產生 -uninstalled.pc 檔案的目錄。
  • PATH 包括每個目錄,其中包含將安裝到 bindir 的可執行檔。在 Windows 上,它也包括每個目錄,其中包含執行這些可執行檔所需的 DLL。
  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH 包括每個目錄,其中包含將安裝到 libdir 的共用程式庫。這允許使用某些程式庫的自訂建構來執行系統應用程式。例如,在從 git 建構 GTK 時執行系統 GEdit。在 OSX 上,環境變數為 DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH,而在 Windows 上則為 PATH
  • GI_TYPELIB_PATH 包括建構 GObject Introspection 型別程式庫的每個目錄。使用 gnome.generate_gir() 時會自動設定。
  • GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR 自 0.59.0 起,包括編譯 GSettings 結構描述的每個目錄。使用 gnome.compile_schemas() 時會自動設定。請注意,當在多個目錄中使用 gnome.compile_schemas() 時,這需要 GLib >= 2.64。
  • 當交叉編譯並定義該屬性時,自 1.0.0 起 QEMU_LD_PREFIX 會設定為交叉編譯檔案中的 sys_root 值。

自 0.62.0 起,如果正在安裝 bash 補全指令碼且 shell 為 bash,則會自動載入它們。

自 0.62.0 版起,當 GDB 輔助腳本 (*-gdb.py、*-gdb.gdb 和 *-gdb.csm) 安裝時,若其程式庫名稱與正在建置的名稱相符,Meson 會將所需的自動載入命令加入 <builddir>/.gdbinit 檔案中。從頂層建置目錄執行 gdb 時,該檔案會被 gdb 自動載入。如果 Python 腳本需要載入其他 Python 模組,則可能需要使用 meson.add_devenv() 修改 PYTHONPATH

自 0.63.0 版起,當為 Windows 進行交叉編譯時,會使用 WINEPATH 而非 PATH,這允許使用 wine 執行 Windows 可執行檔。請注意,由於 WINEPATH 的大小目前限制為 1024 個字元,因此會使用相對於建置目錄根目錄的路徑。這表示執行 wine 時,目前的工作目錄必須是建置目錄的根目錄。

自 1.1.0 版起meson devenv --dump [<filename>] 命令接受一個可選的檔案名稱參數,以將環境寫入檔案,而不是列印到標準輸出。

自 1.1.0 版起,新增了 --dump-format 參數來選擇應使用的 Shell 格式。目前支援 3 種格式:

  • sh:行的格式為 VAR=/prepend:$VAR:/append
  • export:與 sh 相同,但額外包含 export VAR 行。
  • vscode:與 sh 相同,但不包含 $VAR 替換,因為 vscode 似乎不正確地支援它們。
positional arguments:
  command                           Command to run in developer environment
                                    (default: interactive shell)

  -h, --help                        show this help message and exit
  -C BUILDDIR                       Path to build directory
  --workdir WORKDIR, -w WORKDIR     Directory to cd into before running
                                    (default: builddir, Since 1.0.0)
  --dump [DUMP]                     Only print required environment (Since
                                    0.62.0) Takes an optional file path (Since
  --dump-format {sh,export,vscode}  Format used with --dump (Since 1.1.0)


(自 1.5.0 版起)

$ meson format [-h] [-q | -i] [-r] [-c meson.format] [-e] [-o OUTPUT]
               [sources ...]

指定 meson.build 文件的格式。為了與 muon 相容,fmtformat 的別名。

positional arguments:
  sources                               meson source files

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  -q, --check-only                      exit with 1 if files would be modified
                                        by meson format
  -i, --inplace                         format files in-place
  -r, --recursive                       recurse subdirs (requires --check-only
                                        or --inplace option)
  -c meson.format, --configuration meson.format
                                        read configuration from meson.format
  -e, --editor-config                   try to read configuration from
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT            output file (implies having exactly one

設定檔是 .ini 檔案。如果要在分析的提供之建置檔案旁邊存在 meson.format 檔案,且命令列上未提供設定檔,則會自動使用 meson.format 檔案。

如果命令列上未提供任何建置檔案,則會分析目前目錄中的 meson.build 檔案。


  • max_line_length (int):當陣列、字典、函式或方法的長度超過此值時,會將其格式化為每個引數一行 (預設值為 80)。
  • indent_by (str):要使用的縮排 (預設值為四個空格 ' ')。
  • space_array (bool):是否在 [] 和陣列引數之間新增空格 (預設值為 false)。
  • kwargs_force_multiline (bool):如果為 true,只要有關鍵字引數,就會將引數格式化為每個引數一行 (預設值為 false)。
  • wide_colon (bool):如果為 true,會在字典和關鍵字引數中的冒號之前放置一個空格 (預設值為 false)。
  • no_single_comma_function (bool):如果為 true,即使使用多行引數,如果只有一個引數,也不會將逗號附加到函式引數 (預設值為 false)。
  • end_of_line ('cr'、'lf'、'crlf'、'native'):要使用的行尾符號(在使用 --output--inline 引數時套用)(預設值為 'native')。
  • indent_before_comments (str):在內嵌註解之前要使用的縮排 (預設值為兩個空格 ' ')。
  • simplify_string_literals (bool):如果為 true,如果多行字串不包含換行符號,則會將其轉換為單行字串。如果格式化字串不包含替代,則會將其轉換為一般字串 (預設值為 true)。
  • insert_final_newline (bool):如果為 true,強制 meson.build 檔案以換行符號結尾 (預設值為 true)。
  • tab_width (int):Tab 停駐點的寬度,用於在 indent_by 使用 Tab 字元時計算行長度 (預設值為 4)。
  • sort_files (bool):如果為 true,files() 函式的引數會按字母順序排序 (預設值為 false)。
  • group_arg_value (bool):如果為 true,具有 -- 前綴的字串引數,後面接著不帶 -- 前綴的字串引數,會在多行引數中分組在同一行 (預設值為 false)。
  • use_editor_config (bool):如果為 true,也會使用來自 .editorconfig 的設定。

前六個選項與 muon fmt 命令相同。

也可以透過在命令列上提供 --editor-config 選項,或使用設定檔中的 use_editor_config 選項來使用 .editorconfig 檔案。

當指定 --recursive 選項時,也會分析來自 subdirmeson.build 檔案(必須與 --inplace--check-only 選項一起使用)。

muon fmt 的差異

meson format 命令應與 muon fmt 命令相容。但是,它具有更多功能和一些差異:

  • 依預設,meson format 會在內嵌註解之前放置兩個空格,而 muon fmt 只會放置一個。
  • muon fmt 可能會混合 crlf 和 lf 行尾符號,因為它無法識別它們。meson format 在其產生的輸出中將始終保持一致。
  • muon fmt 只會識別來自 .editorconfig 檔案的 indent_by 選項。meson format 還會識別 max_line_lengthend_of_lineinsert_final_newlinetab_width 選項。
  • meson format 有許多額外的格式規則 (請參閱上面的選項清單)。
